Easy Tray Bake Recipes

Easy Tray Bake Recipes

Here’s one of the easy traybake recipes we are so fond of in Northern Ireland. They are known as Ovaltine Creams, or Ovaltine Squares and were a firm favorite of my maternal Grandma’s in the late 1970s. Granny Sophia did not have a name for them but she always had a tin full of them lined up in neat rows in her kitchen and were made using her favorite drink.



225g / 8oz / 2.75 US cups Rich Tea biscuits, broken

115 g / 4 oz / 0.5 US cups firm baking margarine

115g / 4 oz / 0.6 US cups Soft Brown Sugar

2 level tablespoons Ovaltine Chocolate malt drink powder

80g / 3 oz / 1 US cup dessicated coconut

80 g / 3 oz / 0.5 US cups Glacé Cherries, halved

1 egg, beaten


250g / 10 oz / 1.65 US cups sieved icing sugar

50g / 2 oz / ¼ US cup butter or margarine

2 tablespoons sieved Custard Powder –

Boiling Water – a little, to mix

And a little more chocolate malt drink powder to sprinkle overtopping


Melt margarine, sugar, and chocolate malt powder in a saucepan, or in a large bowl in the microwave.

Add coconut and cherries, mix well.

Add beaten egg, mix all and return to heat for a few minutes, stirring well as the egg cooks out (this works best in the microwave).

Stir in broken biscuits and spread mixture evenly into a swiss roll tin.

Cream together margarine, icing sugar, custard powder, and a little boiling water to bind.

Spread topping over the biscuit base, mark lines across with a fork, and sprinkle or sieve a little chocolate malt powder overtopping. Cut into squares when set.

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