Meat Lamb vegetable Casserole Ingredients:
4 onions, sliced
1 teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons cooking fat
2 small potatoes, peeled
1 1/2 pounds lamb, cubed
1 1/2 cups canned or fresh string beans
3 green peppers, diced
1 1/2 cups canned or fresh peas
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups canned or fresh tomatoes
Fry onions in hot fat until brown. Place in casserole with lamb and green peppers.
Season with salt and paprika. Bake in slow oven (325°F.) until lamb is tender,
30 to 45 minutes. Add potatoes, string beans, peas, and tomatoes. Cover and bake
20 minutes longer. If fresh vegetables are used, bake for 30 minutes. Serves 6 to 8.